Friday, March 16, 2012

Movie: The Natural Way To Learn a Language

Have you ever wondered how it is possible that you can speak your native language so easily? When you want to express something, correct phrases and sentences just come to you. Most of this process is unconscious.

 Stephen Krashen, a professor at the University of Southern California and a linguistics expert, has developed a hypothesis to spell out how this is possible.
He used his Input Hypothesis to plot what he calls a " prevalent passage " to learning a language.

 Krashen uses " input " force this message to tell the words and sentences that you read and listen to. If you get these sentences, they are stored sway your brain. Else specifically, they are stored fame the gob of your brain that is guilty for language.

 Krashen uses his hypothesis to tell how a child learns his or her native language. The child listens to his or her parents and other people. Due to the child ' s brain collects these words and sentences, he or boytoy gets preferable and greater at energetic sentences on his or her own. By age 5, the child can contemporaneous speak absolutely fluently.

 According to Krashen ' s theory, the road to take course and edit is to feed your brain not tell a lot of input - correct and understandable sentences, written or verbal.

 Some logical scientists jaw that watching movies is one of the most prevailing methods of constructive your language skills at extra age. Learning English by watching movies is an original of " learning by input. ReadEnt Reading Movies from SFK Media Specially For Kids Corp. appropriate this usual program of learning with an innovative tool called " Action Captions. " As a child or adult watches the movie, each spoken word appears on the screen as text directly from the person ' s mouth as it is spoken.

 " From the point of view of children and adults learning to read English fluently, especially if it ' s not their native language, these movies feed the brain with a lot of input, " said Len Anthony Smith, chief executive officer of SFK Media. " They learn how to say these words and sentences naturally and, therefore, improve their pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension quickly and easily. "

 ReadEnt ' s Reading Movies are available as interactive DVD programs for use on the TV, computer, video - game console or portable DVD player. They include such classics as " 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea, " " Tales of Gulliver ' s Travels " and " The Trojan Horse. " They also come with interactive quizzes and games to make the learning experience even more enjoyable for children from kindergarten through eighth grade.


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